At NorthernLife, our weekly sermons are organised into multi-message series. Series can be expository (working through a book of the Bible), topical, or organised another way.
It's the heart of the Sermon on the Mount, the way Jesus taught his disciples to pray, the most famous prayer in history. Join us for this 3-week mini-series in The Lord's Prayer as we unpack the Father's CHARACTER & KINGDOM, PROVISION & FORGIVENESS, and GUIDANCE & PROTECTION.
The person of Jesus of Nazareth is the subversive fulfilment of the deep longings of every human being across time and culture. The HUMAN series explores 5 of these magnetic points: totality, norm, deliverance, destiny, and higher power. If you or a friend are exploring faith, invite them along to this series!
Go to SeriesOur theme for this May Mission Month is Mending! No matter where we are, we can join God in mending a beautiful, broken world. This series is provided by Baptist Mission Australia and will be run in churches across Australia.
Go to SeriesThe biblical book of Mark is the Gospel of New Beginnings. In 2024, Lord willing, we'll work our way through all of Mark as we find the new beginnings the Lord has for us as a church.
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