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January 2022

5240 x Multiply

5240 x Multiply is our 2022 vision series, combining the Bibleloop program “5240: The Books of Luke & Acts in 40 Days” and our 2022 vision: Multiply. 5240 x Multiply is a ten-week journey through the books of Luke & Acts, with a view to seeing the kingdom multiply throughout.

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September 2024

The Lord's Prayer

It's the heart of the Sermon on the Mount, the way Jesus taught his disciples to pray, the most famous prayer in history. Join us for this 3-week mini-series in The Lord's Prayer as we unpack the Father's CHARACTER & KINGDOM, PROVISION & FORGIVENESS, and GUIDANCE & PROTECTION.

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January 2024

Gospel of New Beginnings

The biblical book of Mark is the Gospel of New Beginnings. In 2024, Lord willing, we'll work our way through all of Mark as we find the new beginnings the Lord has for us as a church.

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