What does the Lord our God require of us? This May is our May Mission Month—we’re looking at the threefold call of Micah 6:8 to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly. We want to be a church that carries God’s heart for the nations by advocating for justice for the poor, widows, orphans and refugees.
5240 x Multiply is our 2022 vision series, combining the Bibleloop program “5240: The Books of Luke & Acts in 40 Days” and our 2022 vision: Multiply. 5240 x Multiply is a ten-week journey through the books of Luke & Acts, with a view to seeing the kingdom multiply throughout.
Go to Series"Why Easter?" is our Easter 2022 sermon series looking at why Jesus had to die and rise again
Go to SeriesIn the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed. That's what Paul's masterpiece Romans is all about. Join us as we study together the Book of Romans across 8 weeks.
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